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· 7 min read
Benno Evers
Matthias Vallentin

As of v2.4 VAST ships with a new web plugin that provides a REST API. The API documentation describes the available endpoints also provides an OpenAPI spec for download. This blog post shows how we built the API and what you can do with it.

Why does VAST need a REST API? Two reasons:

  1. Make it easy to integrate with VAST. To date, the only interface to VAST is the command line. This is great for testing and ad-hoc use cases, but to make it easy for other tools to integrate with VAST, a REST API is the common expectation.

  2. Develop our own web frontend. We are in the middle of building a Svelte frontend that delivers a web-based experience of interacting with VAST through the browser. This frontend interacts with VAST through the REST API.

Two architectural features of VAST made it really smooth to design the REST API: Plugins and Actors.

First, VAST's plugin system offers a flexible extension mechanism to add additional functionality without bloating the core. Specifically, we chose RESTinio as C++ library that implements an asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket server. Along with it comes a dependency on Boost ASIO. We deem it acceptable to have this dependency of the web plugin, but would feel less comfortable with adding dependencies to the VAST core, which we try to keep as lean as possible.

Second, the actor model architecture of VAST makes it easy to integrate new "microservices" into the system. The web plugin is a component plugin that provides a new actor with a typed messaging interface. It neatly fits into the existing architecture and thereby inherits the flexible distribution and scaling properties. Concretely, there exist two ways to run the REST API actor: either as a separate process or embedded inside a VAST server node:

Running the REST API as dedicated process gives you more flexibility with respect to deployment, fault isolation, and scaling. An embedded setup offers higher throughput and lower latency between the REST API and the other VAST components.

The REST API is also a command plugin and exposes the—you guessed it—web command. To run the REST API as dedicated process, spin up a VAST node as follows:

vast web server --certfile=/path/to/server.certificate --keyfile=/path/to/private.key

To run the server within the main VAST process, use a start command:

vast start --commands="web server [...]"

The server will only accept TLS requests by default. To allow clients to connect successfully, you need to pass a valid certificate and corresponding private key with the --certfile and --keyfile arguments.


Clients must authenticate all requests with a valid token. The token is a short string that clients put in the X-VAST-Token request header.

You can generate a valid token on the command line as follows:

vast web generate-token

For local testing and development, generating suitable certificates and tokens can be a hassle. For this scenario, you can start the server in developer mode where it accepts plain HTTP connections and does not perform token authentication.

TLS Modes

There exist four modes to start the REST API, each of which suits a slightly different use case.

Developer Mode

The developer mode bypasses encryption and authentication token verification.

Pass --mode=dev to start the REST API in developer mode:

vast web server --mode=dev

Server Mode

The server mode reflects the "traditional" mode of operation where VAST binds to a network interface. This mode only accepts HTTPS connections and requires a valid authentication token for every request. This is the default mode of operation.

Pass --mode=server to start the REST API in server mode:

vast web server --mode=server

Upstream TLS Mode

The upstream TLS mode is suitable when VAST sits upstream of a separate TLS terminator that is running on the same machine. This kind of setup is commonly encountered when running nginx as a reverse proxy.

VAST only listens on localhost addresses, accepts plain HTTP but still checks authentication tokens.

Pass --mode=upstream to start the REST API in server mode:

vast web server --mode=upstream

Mutual TLS Mode

The mutual TLS mode is suitable when VAST sits upstream of a separate TLS terminator that may be running on a different machine. In this scenario, the connection between the terminator and VAST must again be encrypted to avoid leaking the authentication token to the network.

Regular TLS requires only the server to present a certificate to prove his identity. In mutual TLS mode, the client additionally needs to provide a valid client certificate to the server. This ensures that the TLS terminator cannot be impersonated or bypassed.

Typically self-signed certificates are used for that purpose, since both ends of the connection are configured together and not exposed to the public internet.

Pass --mode=mtls to start the REST API in mutual TLS mode:

vast web server --mode=mtls

Usage Examples

Now that you know how we put the REST API together, let's look at some end-to-end examples.

See what's inside VAST

One straightforward example is checking the number of records in VAST:

curl "" \
| jq .index.statistics
"events": {
"total": 8462
"layouts": {
"zeek.conn": {
"count": 8462,
"percentage": 100
Status changes in v3.0

In the upcoming v3.0 release, the statistics under the key .index.statistics will move to .catalog. This change is already merged into the master branch. Consult the status key reference for details.

Perform a HTTP health check

The /status endpoint can also be used as a HTTP health check in docker-compose:

version: '3.4'
image: tenzir/vast
- "VAST_START__COMMANDS=web server --mode=dev"
- "42001:42001"
test: curl --fail http://localhost:42001/status || exit 1
interval: 60s
retries: 5
start_period: 20s
timeout: 10s

Run a query

The other initial endpoints can be used to get data out of VAST. For example, to get up to two zeek.conn events which connect to the subnet, using the VAST query expression net.src.ip in

curl ""
"version": "v2.4.0-457-gb35c25d88a",
"num_events": 2,
"events": [
"ts": "2009-11-18T08:00:21.486539",
"uid": "Pii6cUUq1v4",
"id.orig_h": "",
"id.orig_p": 68,
"id.resp_h": "",
"id.resp_p": 67,
"proto": "udp",
"service": null,
"duration": "163.82ms",
"orig_bytes": 301,
"resp_bytes": 300,
"conn_state": "SF",
"local_orig": null,
"missed_bytes": 0,
"history": "Dd",
"orig_pkts": 1,
"orig_ip_bytes": 329,
"resp_pkts": 1,
"resp_ip_bytes": 328,
"tunnel_parents": []
"ts": "2009-11-18T08:08:00.237253",
"uid": "nkCxlvNN8pi",
"id.orig_h": "",
"id.orig_p": 137,
"id.resp_h": "",
"id.resp_p": 137,
"proto": "udp",
"service": "dns",
"duration": "3.78s",
"orig_bytes": 350,
"resp_bytes": 0,
"conn_state": "S0",
"local_orig": null,
"missed_bytes": 0,
"history": "D",
"orig_pkts": 7,
"orig_ip_bytes": 546,
"resp_pkts": 0,
"resp_ip_bytes": 0,
"tunnel_parents": []

Note that when using curl, all request parameters need to be properly urlencoded. This can be cumbersome for the expression and pipeline parameters, so we also provide an /export POST endpoint that accepts parameters in the JSON body. The next example shows how to use POST requests from curl. It also uses the /query endpoint instead of /export to get results iteratively instead of a one-shot result. The cost for this is having to make two API calls instead of one:

curl -XPOST -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d'{"expression": "udp"}'
{"id": "31cd0f6c-915f-448e-b64a-b5ab7aae2474"}
curl | jq
"position": 0,
"events": [
"ts": "2009-11-18T08:00:21.486539",
"uid": "Pii6cUUq1v4",
"id.orig_h": "",
"id.orig_p": 68,
"id.resp_h": "",
"id.resp_p": 67,
"proto": "udp",
"service": null,
"duration": "163.82ms",
"orig_bytes": 301,
"resp_bytes": 300,
"conn_state": "SF",
"local_orig": null,
"missed_bytes": 0,
"history": "Dd",
"orig_pkts": 1,
"orig_ip_bytes": 329,
"resp_pkts": 1,
"resp_ip_bytes": 328,
"tunnel_parents": []
"ts": "2009-11-18T08:08:00.237253",
"uid": "nkCxlvNN8pi",
"id.orig_h": "",
"id.orig_p": 137,
"id.resp_h": "",
"id.resp_p": 137,
"proto": "udp",
"service": "dns",
"duration": "3.78s",
"orig_bytes": 350,
"resp_bytes": 0,
"conn_state": "S0",
"local_orig": null,
"missed_bytes": 0,
"history": "D",
"orig_pkts": 7,
"orig_ip_bytes": 546,
"resp_pkts": 0,
"resp_ip_bytes": 0,
"tunnel_parents": []
Still Experimental

Please note that we consider the API version v0 experimental, and we make no stability guarantees at the moment.

As always, if you have any question on usage, swing by our community chat. Missing routes? Let us know so that we know what to prioritize. Now happy curling! 🥌