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Tenzir v4.9

· 4 min read
Dominik Lohmann

We're thrilled to announce the release of Tenzir v4.9, enhancing the Explorer further to empower you with the capability of rendering your data as a chart.

Chart Operator

The new chart operator transforms the way you visualize your data on It lets you depict your events graphically instead of in table form.

Charting integrates seamlessly into your pipelines by simply adding the chart operator. For instance, plotting a bar chart representing the frequency of occurrences for each protocol in zeek.conn events can be as simple as this:

| where #schema == "zeek.conn"
| top proto
| chart bar --title "Protocols"


This line chart depicts the load average over 15 minutes, making use of the recently added metrics operator:

| where #schema == "tenzir.metrics.cpu"
| sort timestamp
| chart line -x timestamp -y loadavg_15m --title "Load Average (15 min)"

Load Average (15 min)

This area chart displays the total ingress across all pipelines for the past 10 minutes in MiB/s.

| where #schema == "tenzir.metrics.operator"
| where timestamp > 10 min ago
| where source == true
| where internal == false
| sort timestamp
| python 'self.egress_rate = self.output.approx_bytes / self.duration.total_seconds() / 2**20'
| chart area -x timestamp -y egress_rate --title "Total Ingress (MiB/s)"

Total Ingress (MiB/s)

This pie chart shows the distribution of events stored at the node by disk usage:

show partitions
| summarize diskusage=sum(diskusage) by schema
| chart pie --title "Disk Usage (bytes)"

Disk Usage

We're just getting started with charting! If you want to see further chart types added, have feedback on charting, or want to share examples of your visualizations with the chart operator, we would love to hear from you.

Coming Soon: Dashboards

The chart operator is a first step towards having dashboards directly in Tenzir. Any result that you see in the Explorer you will soon be able to pin and freely arrange on a customizable dashboard.

Bloom Filter Context

The new bloom-filter context makes it possible to use large datasets for enrichment. It uses a Bloom filter to store sets in a compact way, at the cost of potential false positives when looking up an item.

If you have massive amounts of indicators or a large amount of things you would like to contextualize, this feature is for you.

Create a Bloom filter context by using bloom-filter as context type:

context create indicators bloom-filter

Then populate it with a pipeline, exactly like a lookup table:

from /tmp/iocs.csv
| context update bloom-filter --key ioc

Thereafter use it for enrichment, e.g., in this example pipeline:

export --live
| where #schema == "suricata.dns"
| enrich indicators --field dns.rrname

The enrich operator gained a new --filter option to remove events it could not enrich. Use the new option to remove anything that is not included in the Bloom filter:

export --live
| where #schema == "suricata.dns"
| enrich indicators --field dns.rrname --filter


Other noteworthy changes and improvements:

  • tenzir.db-directory is now tenzir.state-directory. The old option remains functional, but will be phased out in an upcoming release.
  • On the command-line, Tenzir now respects NO_COLOR when printing diagnostics. Additionally, colors are automatically disabled when the output device is not a terminal.
  • RFC 5424-style Syslog parsing now emits a record with the structured data fields.
  • The --selector option for the JSON parser now works with nested and non-string fields.
  • The python operator gained a --file option to read from a file instead of expecting the Python code as a positional argument.
  • The csv, tsv, and ssv parsers now fill in nulls for missing values.

For the curious, the changelog has the full scoop.

Experience the new features at and join us on our Discord server.