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Tenzir v4.8

· 3 min read
Dominik Lohmann
Jannis Christopher Köhl

Hot off the press: Tenzir v4.8. This release is filled with goodness.

Lookup Operator

The new lookup operator is a unique vehicle to perform live- and retro-matching simultaneously. Think of it as enrichment of all data that gets ingested into a node, plus a historical query for every change in the enrichment context.

Graylog Support

The new gelf parser makes it possible to read a stream of Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF) messages.

You can now point your GELF feed to a Tenzir pipeline. Read our Graylog integration page for the details. The TL;DR is:

from tcp:// read gelf
| import

Shift Timestamps and Delay Events

The new timeshift and delay operators make it possible to rewrite timestamps and act on them to replay data flexibly.

The timeshift operator adjusts a series of time values by anchoring them around a given start time. You can rewrite and scale timestamps:

For example, use timeshift to re-align our Zeek example dataset to January 1, 1984, and make the trace 100x slower:

from read zeek-tsv
| timeshift --start 1984-01-01 --speed 0.01 ts

While timeshift rewrites timestamps, delay acts on them by yielding events according to a given time field. Delaying events comes in handy when replaying a trace or logs. Delaying means effectively introducing sleeping periods proportional to the inter-arrival times of the events. As with timeshift, you can scale the behavior with a multiplicative constant to speed things up.

Here is visual explanation of how delay works:

HTTP Saver

The http connector now also has a saver in addition to the already existing loader. Here's how they work in a nutshell:

For the loader, you specify the request body and the response body is input for the pipeline. For the saver, the pipeline contents determine the request body and the response body isn't processed.

Fluent Bit Performance

The fluent-bit source operator got a significant performance boost as a byproduct of changing the Fluent Bit data exchange format from JSON to MsgPack:

Read the dedicated blog post on this issue.

Thanks to Christoph Lobmeyer and Yannik Meinhardt for reporting this issue! 🙏

Improved Pipeline State Persistence

We've improved the state management of pipelines when nodes restart or crash. Recall the state machine of a pipeline:

The gray buttons on the state transition arrows correspond to actions you can take.

Here's what changed on node restart and/or crash:

  • Running pipelines remain in Running state. Previously, the node stopped all running pipelines when shutting down. The unexpected behavior was that a restart of a node didn't automatically resume previously running pipelines. This is now the case.
  • Paused pipelines transition to the Stopped state. The difference between Paused and Stopped is that paused pipelines can be quickly resumed without losing in-memory state. Stopping a pipeline fully evicts it. A node restart necessarily evicts the state of a pipeline, hence the transition from Paused to Stopped. Previously, paused pipelines were considered Failed after a node restart.

Here & There

Lots of smaller bug fixes landed in this release. We urge everyone to upgrade. If you're curious, our changelog has the full list of changes.

Visit to try the new features and swing by our Discord server to get help and talk about your use cases.