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Contextualization Made Simple

· 9 min read
Matthias Vallentin

How would you create a contextualization engine? What are the essential building blocks? We asked ourselves these questions after studying what's out there and built from scratch a high-performance contextualization framework in Tenzir. This blog post introduces this brand-new framework, provides usage examples, and describes how you can build your own context plugin.

This is the second post of the our contextualization series. If you haven't read the first post, go check it out and learn how Splunk, Elastic, and Sentinel support contextualization.


After studying how others tackle the enrichment use case and talking to numerous practitioners in the SecOps community, we went to the drawing board to identify what we really need.

  1. Dynamic context state updates. In security, we're especially interested in use cases where the enrichment context is dynamic and changes over time. For example, the threat landscape is often represented in the form of observables, IOCs, or TTPs. Their utility quickly decays over time. Many indicators are only useful for a couple of days, as attacker infrastructure can be ephemeral and change rapidly. As a result, we need the ability to change our context state to keep a useful representation.

  2. Decoupled context management and use. Conceptually, a context has a write path to update its state, and a read path access its state. These two paths operate independently and its the job of the context to coordinate access to its shared state so that reads and writes do not conflict.

  3. Flexible notions of context type. Most systems out there treat enrichment as a join that brings two tables together. But what about Bloom filters? And ML model inference? What about API calls? Or custom libraries that shield a context? We're not always enriching with just a table, but many other types of context. Hence we need a dedicated abstraction what constitutes a context.

A corollary of (3) is that we would like to support various lookup modes:

We define these lookup modes as follows:

  1. In-band. The context data is co-located with the dataflow where it should act upon. This is especially important for high-velocity dataflows where there's a small time budget to perform an enrichment. For example, we've seen network monitors like Zeek and Suricata links produce structured logs at 250k EPS, which would mean that enrichment cannot take more than 4 microseconds per event.
  2. Out-of-band. The context data is far away from the to-be-contextualized dataflow. We encounter this mode when the context is intellectual property, when the context state is massive and maintenance is complex, or when it's created on-the-fly based on request by a service. A REST API is the most common example.
  3. Hybrid. When both performance matters and state is not possible to ship to the contextualization point itself, then a hybrid approach can be a viable middle ground. Google Safe Browsing is an example of this kind, where the Chrome browser keeps a subset of context state that represents threat actor URLs in the form of partial hashes, and when a users visits a URL where a partial match occurs, Chrome performs a candidate check using an API call. More than 99% of checked URLs never make it to the remote API, making this approach scalable. Note that the extra layer of hashing also protects the privacy of the entity performing the context lookup.

The Tenzir Contextualization Framework

As principled engineers, we took those requirements to the drawing board and built a solution that meets all of them. Two foundations of the Tenzir architecture made it possible to arrive at an elegant solution that results in a simple-yet-powerful user experience: (1) a pipeline-based data flow model, and (2) the ability to manage state at continuously running Tenzir nodes. Let's walk through a typical use case that explains the building blocks.

Example Scenario

During a compromise assessment, the security engineer Pada Wan is tasked with finding out whether the constituency initiates any connections to known command-and-control servers. Pada takes the ThreatFox OSINT feed, a community malware where practioners can share IOCs containing IPs, domains, URLs, and hashes. Pada's organization uses Suricata to monitor their networks and now wants to leverage DNS logs to identify possible lookups to known attacker infrastructure.

Pada, follwing first principles, remembers: "Through a pipeline strong and wise, safe the constituency will stay, hmm."

Create a context

First create a context in a Tenzir node by running the following pipeline:

context create threatfox lookup-table

This yields the following output:

"num_entries": 0,
"name": "threatfox"

The context operator manages context instances. It takes a context name and type as positional arguments. The lookup-table type is a key-value mapping where a key is used to perform the context lookup and the value can be any structured additional data.

Load data into the context

Next we fill the context with the contents of the ThreatFox feed. Here's the how we query the API with a HTTP POST request:

from query=get_iocs days:=1

The response looks as follows:

"query_status": "ok",
"data": [
"id": "1209500",
"ioc": "",
"threat_type": "botnet_cc",
"threat_type_desc": "Indicator that identifies a botnet command&control server (C&C)",
"ioc_type": "ip:port",
"ioc_type_desc": "ip:port combination that is used for botnet Command&control (C&C)",
"malware": "win.cobalt_strike",
"malware_printable": "Cobalt Strike",
"malware_alias": "Agentemis,BEACON,CobaltStrike,cobeacon",
"malware_malpedia": "",
"confidence_level": 80,
"first_seen": "2023-12-04 16:00:16 UTC",
"last_seen": null,
"reference": null,
"reporter": "malpulse",
"tags": null

Unfortunately the data is not yet in right shape yet. We need one IOC event per lookup table entry, but the above is one giant event with all IOCs in the nested data array. We can get to the desired shape with the yield operator hoists the array elements into top-level events. Let's take a look at one of the events:

from query=get_iocs days:=1
| yield data[]
| head 1
"id": "1209500",
"ioc": "",
"threat_type": "botnet_cc",
"threat_type_desc": "Indicator that identifies a botnet command&control server (C&C)",
"ioc_type": "ip:port",
"ioc_type_desc": "ip:port combination that is used for botnet Command&control (C&C)",
"malware": "win.cobalt_strike",
"malware_printable": "Cobalt Strike",
"malware_alias": "Agentemis,BEACON,CobaltStrike,cobeacon",
"malware_malpedia": "",
"confidence_level": 80,
"first_seen": "2023-12-04 16:00:16 UTC",
"last_seen": null,
"reference": null,
"reporter": "malpulse",
"tags": null

Yes, this is something the context update can work with. Now that the data is in the right shape, all we need is piping it to context update:

from query=get_iocs days:=1
| yield data[]
| where ioc_type == "domain"
| context update threatfox --key ioc

This outputs:

"num_entries": 57,
"name": "threatfox"

That is, 57 entries have been added successfully to the threatfox context.

Enrich with the context

We've now loaded the context and can use it in other pipelines. As we're in a compromise assessment as example, we're interested in a realtime view of the network traffic. So we'd like to hook the feed of all flow logs streaming into a Tenzir node. Let's say we have a Suricata eve.json file that we follow continuously and import into a running node:

from file --follow /suricata/eve.json read suricata
| import

Now we hook into the DNS live feed for enrichment, keep only the matches, and forward them to a Slack channel via fluent-bit:

export --live
| where #schema == "suricata.dns"
| enrich threatfox --field dns.rrname
| where threatfox.key != null
| fluent-bit slack webhook=IR_TEAM_SLACK_CHANNEL_URL

In more detail:

  • export --live hooks into the import data feed at the node
  • where #schema == "suricata.dns" restricts the feed to Suricata DNS events
  • enrich threatfox --field dns.rrname joins the lookup table with the RR name of the DNS request
  • where threatfox.key != null ignores non-matching enrichments
  • fluent-bit slack webhook=IR_TEAM_SLACK_CHANNEL_URL sends the events to a Slack channel

One such matching enrichment may looks like this:

"timestamp": "2021-11-17T16:57:42.389824",
"flow_id": 1542499730911936,
"pcap_cnt": 3167,
"vlan": null,
"in_iface": null,
"src_ip": "",
"src_port": 56462,
"dest_ip": "",
"dest_port": 53,
"proto": "UDP",
"event_type": "dns",
"community_id": null,
"dns": {
"version": null,
"type": "query",
"id": 1,
"flags": null,
"qr": null,
"rd": null,
"ra": null,
"aa": null,
"tc": null,
"rrname": "",
"rrtype": "RRSIG",
"rcode": null,
"ttl": null,
"tx_id": 0,
"grouped": null,
"answers": null
"threatfox": {
"key": "",
"context": {
"id": "1209087",
"ioc": "",
"threat_type": "payload_delivery",
"threat_type_desc": "Indicator that identifies a malware distribution server (payload delivery)",
"ioc_type": "domain",
"ioc_type_desc": "Domain name that delivers a malware payload",
"malware": "apk.irata",
"malware_printable": "IRATA",
"malware_alias": null,
"malware_malpedia": "",
"confidence_level": 100,
"first_seen": "2023-12-03 14:05:20 UTC",
"last_seen": null,
"reference": "",
"reporter": "onecert_ir",
"tags": [
"timestamp": "2023-12-04T13:52:49.043157"

Note the new field threatfox that is the context name. The key that matched has the value, which is also dns.rrname. There's also a timestamp field when the enrichment took place, and the full data that we loaded into the context under a given key.


Let's recap what we did:

  1. Create a context via context create that is a lookup table.
  2. Populate the context via context update with the ThreatFox OSINT feed.
  3. Use the context via enrich to filter matching events.
  4. Forward the enriched events to a Slack channel.

The enrich pipeline uses a lookup table to perform an in-band enrichment. Our first measurements indicate that there is no noticeable performance overhead.

We can visualize this pipeline as follows:


How is this different to others, e.g., Splunk, Elastic, and Sentinel? If you don't recall how these three work, go back to our previous blog post.

  1. Simplicity. The core abstraction is incredibly simple—an opaque context that can be used from two sides. You can simultaneously feed the context with a pipeline to update its state, and use it many other places to enrich your dataflows.

  2. Flexibility. The enrich operator gives you full control where you want to perform the contextualization. Place it before import, and it's an ingest-time enrichment. Put it after export, and it's a search-time enrichment. The abstraction is always same, regardless of the location.

  3. Extensibility. This blog post showed only one context type, the lookup table. This covers the most common enrichment scenario. But you can implement your own context types. A context plugin receives the full pipeline dataflow, and as a developer, you get Apache Arrow record batches. This columnar representation works seamlessly with many data tools.

Stay tuned for more context plugins. Up next on our roadmap are three other in-band context types: a Bloom filter, Sigma rules, and a MaxMind-based GeoIP context.

You can try all of this yourself by heading over to Deploy a cloud-based demo node and enrich your life. As always, we're here to help and are looking forward to meeting you in our Discord community.