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Matching YARA Rules in Byte Pipelines

· 6 min read
Matthias Vallentin

The new yara operator matches YARA rules on bytes, producing a structured match output to conveniently integrate alerting tools or trigger next processing steps in your detection workflows.

YARA rules are a bedrock piece when it comes to writing detections on binary data. Malware analysts develop them based on sandbox results or threat reports, incident responders capture the attacker's toolchain on disk images or in memory, and security engineers share them with their peers.

Operationalize YARA rules

The most straight-forward way to execute a YARA rule is the official yara command-line utility. Consider this rule:

rule test {
string = "string meta data"
integer = 42
boolean = true

$foo = "foo"
$bar = "bar"
$baz = "baz"

($foo and $bar) or $baz

Running yara -g -e -s -L test.yara test.txt on a file test.txt with contents foo bar yields the following output:

default:test [] test.txt
0x0:3:$foo: foo
0x4:3:$bar: bar

There are other ways to execute YARA rules, e.g., ClamAV, osquery, or Velociraptor—which we also integrated as pipeline operator.

And now there's also Tenzir, with a yara operator that accepts bytes as input and produces events as output. Let's take the simple case of running the above example on string input:

echo 'foo bar' | tenzir 'load stdin | yara /tmp/test.yara'

The operator generates one yara.match event per matching rule:

"rule": {
"identifier": "test",
"namespace": "default",
"tags": [],
"meta": {
"string": "string meta data",
"integer": 42,
"boolean": true
"strings": {
"$foo": "foo",
"$bar": "bar",
"$baz": "baz"
"matches": {
"$foo": [
"data": "Zm9v",
"base": 0,
"offset": 0,
"match_length": 3
"$bar": [
"data": "YmFy",
"base": 0,
"offset": 4,
"match_length": 3

Each match has a rule field describing the rule and a matches record indexed by string identifier to report a list of matches per rule string. E.g., there is one match for $bar at byte offset 4 and match length 3. The Base64-encoded excerpt for the match is YmFy (= "bar").1

Building a YARA streaming engine

Implementation Details

You can skip this section if you are not interested in the inner workings, but it may help understand how YARA works under the hood.

Tenzir byte pipelines consist of a stream of variable-size chunks of memory. E.g., when loading the raw bytes of file via load file, the dataflow may consist of multiple chunks. YARA scanners can also operate on multiple blocks of data. It might be tempting to treat these as contiguous, adjacent blocks of memory (we did this initially) and think that it should be possible to match a rule across adjacent a blocks, like this:

This is not the case. While it may work, it's possible to write rules where this fails. As a result, simply keeping the input blocks in memory and feeding them to a scanner might cause false negatives if you have a rule that should match across chunk boundaries. In other words, it's not possible to build an incremental streaming engine with the current YARA architecture. Moreover, YARA may perform multiple passes over the input, so it's neither possible to construct a one-pass streaming engine.

This is the reason why the yara operator supports two modes of operation:

  1. Accumulating: Accumulate all chunks perform a scan at the end. (default)
  2. Blockwise: scan each block of memory as self-contained unit. (--blockwise)

Mode (1) copies all chunks in a single buffer. Mode (2) does work in streaming mode, but it only makes sense if each chunk of memory is a self-contained unit, e.g., when getting memory chunks from a message broker.

Mix and match loaders

The stdin loader in the above example produces chunks of bytes. But you can use any connector of your choice that yields bytes. In particular, you can use the file loader:

tenzir 'load file --mmap /tmp/test.txt | yara /tmp/test.yara'
Memory-mapping files

Passing --mmap to the file loader is purely an optimization that results in the creation of a single memory block as input to the yara operator. This means the YARA scanner doesn't have to iterate over multiple blocks of memory, which may be beneficial for intricate rules that require random access into the file.

If you have a ZeroMQ socket where you publish malware samples to be scanned, then you only need to change the pipeline source:

tenzir 'load zmq | yara /tmp/test.yara'

This is where the separation between structured and unstructured data in pipelines pays off. You plug in any loader while leaving the remainder of yara pipeline in place.

Post-process matches

Because the matches are structured events, you can use all existing operators to post-process them. For example, send them to a Slack channel via fluent-bit:

load file --mmap /tmp/test.txt
| yara /tmp/test.yara
| fluent-bit slack webhook=URL

Or store them with import at a Tenzir node to generate match statistics later on:

load file --mmap /tmp/test.txt
| yara /tmp/test.yara
| import

Create a YARA rule matching service

Using just a few pipelines, you can quickly deploy a YARA rule scanning service that sends the matches to a Slack webhook. Let's that you want to scan malware sample that you receive over a Kafka topic malware. Launch the processing pipeline as follows:

load kafka --topic malware
| yara --blockwise /path/to/rules
| fluent-bit slack webhook=URL

This pipeline requires that every Kafka message is a self-contained malware sample. Because the pipeline runs continuously, we supply the --blockwise option so that the yara triggers a scan for every Kafka message, as opposed to accumulating all messages indefinitely and only initiating a scan when the input exhausts.

You can now submit a malware sample by sending it to the malware Kafka topic:

load file --mmap evil.exe | save kafka --topic malware

The matches should now arrive as JSON message in the Slack channel associated with the webhook.


We've introduced the yara operator as a byte-to-events transformation that exposes YARA rule matches as structured events, making them easy to post-process with the existing collection of Tenzir operators. We also explained how you can create a simple YARA rule scanning service that accepts malware samples via Kafka and sends the matches to a Slack channel.

Try it yourself. Deploy detection pipelines with the yara operator for free with our Community Edition at Missing any other operators that operationalize detections? Swing by our Discord server and let us know!


Thanks to Thomas Patzke for reviewing this blog post and suggesting to make the default behavior of the operator more safe to use. 🙏

  1. JSON doesn't distinguish binary blobs from strings. However, our type system does, so we encode blob values as Base64-encoded strings for formats that do not have a native blog representation.