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Richer Typing in Sigma

ยท 5 min read
Matthias Vallentin

VAST's Sigma frontend now supports more modifiers. In the Sigma language, modifiers transform predicates in various ways, e.g., to apply a function over a value or to change the operator of a predicate. Modifiers are the customization point to enhance expressiveness of query operations.

The new pySigma effort, which will eventually replace the now-considered-legacy sigma project, comes with new modifiers as well. Most notably, lt, lte, gt, gte provide comparisons over value domains with a total ordering, e.g., numbers: x >= 42. In addition, the cidr modifier interprets a value as subnet, e.g., Richer typing!

How does the frontend work? Think of it as a parser that processes the YAML and translates it into an expression tree, where the leaves are predicates with typed operands according to VAST's data model. Here's how it works:

Let's take a closer look at some Sigma rule modifiers:

x|re: 'f(o+|u)'
x|lt: 42
x|base64offset|contains: 'http://'

The | symbol applies a modifier to a field. Let's walk through the above example:

  1. The re modifier changes the predicate operand from x == "f(o+|u)" to x == /f(o+|u)/, i.e., the type of the right-hand side changes from string to pattern.

  2. The lt modifier changes the predicate operator from == to <, i.e., x == 42 becomes x < 42.

  3. The cidr modifier changes the predicate operand to type subnet. In VAST, parsing the operand type into a subnet happens automatically, so the Sigma frontend only changes the operator to in. That is, x == "" becomes x in Since VAST supports top-k prefix search on subnets natively, nothing else needs to be changed.

    Other backends expand this to:

    x == "192.168.0.*" || x == "192.168.1.*"

    This expansion logic on strings doesn't scale very well: for a /22, you would have to double the number of predicates, and for a /21 quadruple them. This is where rich and deep typing in the language pays off.

  4. x: there are two modifiers that operate in a chained fashion, transforming the predicate in two steps:

    1. Initial: x == "http://"
    2. base64offset: x == "aHR0cDovL" || x == "h0dHA6Ly" || x == "odHRwOi8v"
    3. contains: x in "aHR0cDovL" || x in "h0dHA6Ly" || x in "odHRwOi8v"

    First, base64offset always expands a value into a disjunction of 3 predicates, each of which performs an equality comparison to a Base64-transformed value.1

    Thereafter, the contains modifier translates the respective predicate operator from == to in. Other Sigma backends that don't support substring search natively transform the value instead by wrapping it into * wildcards, e.g., translate "foo" into "*foo*".

Our ultimate goal is to support a fully function executional platform for Sigma rules. The table below shows the current implementation status of modifiers, where โœ… means implemented, ๐Ÿšง not yet implemented but possible, and โŒ not yet supported by VAST's execution engine:

containsperform a substring search with the valueโœ…โœ…
startswithmatch the value as a prefixโœ…โœ…
endswithmatch the value as a suffixโœ…โœ…
base64encode the value with Base64โœ…โœ…
base64offsetencode value as all three possible Base64 variantsโœ…โœ…
utf16le/widetransform the value to UTF16 little endianโœ…๐Ÿšง
utf16betransform the value to UTF16 big endianโœ…๐Ÿšง
utf16transform the value to UTF16โœ…๐Ÿšง
reinterpret the value as regular expressionโœ…๐Ÿšง
cidrinterpret the value as a IP CIDRโŒโœ…
allchanges the expression logic from OR to ANDโœ…โœ…
ltcompare less than (<) the valueโŒโœ…
ltecompare less than or equal to (<=) the valueโŒโœ…
gtcompare greater than (>) the valueโŒโœ…
gtecompare greater than or equal to (>=) the valueโŒโœ…
expandexpand value to placeholder strings, e.g., %something%โŒโŒ

Aside from completing the implementation of the missing modifiers, there are three missing pieces for Sigma rule execution to become viable in VAST:

  1. Regular expressions: VAST currently has no efficient mechanism to execute regular expressions. A regex lookup requires a full scan of the data. Moreover, the regular expression execution speed is abysimal. But we are aware of it and are working on this soon. The good thing is that the complexity of regular expression execution over batches of data is manageable, given that we would call into the corresponding Arrow Compute function for the heavy lifting. The number one challenge will be reduing the data to scan, because the Bloom-filter-like sketch data structures in the catalog cannot handle pattern types. If the sketches cannot identify a candidate set, all data needs to be scanned,

    To alleviate the effects of full scans, it's possible to winnow down the candidate set of partitions by executing rules periodically. When making the windows asymptotically small, this yields effectively streaming execution, which VAST already supports in the form of "live queries".

  2. Case-insensitive strings: All strings in Sigma rules are case-insensitive by default, but VAST's string search is case-sensitive. As a workaround, we could translate Sigma strings into regular expressions, e.g., "Foo" into /Foo/i. Unfortunately there is a big performance gap between string equality search and regular expression search. We will need to find a better solution for production-grade rule execution.

  3. Field mappings: while Sigma rules execute already syntactically, VAST currently doesn't touch the field names in the rules and interprets them as field extractors. In other words, VAST doesn't support the Sigma taxonomy yet. Until we provide the mappings, you can already write generic Sigma rules using concepts.

Please don't hesitate to swing by our community chat and talk with us if you are passionate about Sigma and other topics around open detection and response.

  1. What happens under the hood is a padding a string with spaces. Anton Kutepov's article illustrates how this works.โ†ฉ