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Version: v4.14


Retrieves events from a Tenzir node. The dual to import.


export [--live] [--internal] [--low-priority]


The export operator retrieves events from a Tenzir node.


Work on all events that are imported with import operators in real-time instead of on events persisted at a Tenzir node.


Export internal events, such as metrics or diagnostics, instead. By default, export only returns events that were previously imported with import. In contrast, export --internal exports internal events such as operator metrics.


Treat this export with a lower priority, causing it to interfere less with regular priority exports at the cost of potentially running slower.


Expose all persisted events as JSON data.

export | to stdout

Apply a filter to all persisted events, then only expose the first ten results.

export | where | head 10 | to stdout